government of jamaica resourceS
September 10, 2021
Opportunities All Around

When I look around me, do you know what I see? The prefect teaching tools... Vehicles & Transportation (bus rides), Science & Personal Hygiene (laundry), Cleanliness & Responsibility (tidy time), Science & Digestive System (cooking/eating).

Originally Posted: February 14, 2017

Learning is not limited to a classroom so why should teaching be? I've found that the best way to teach anyone anything is through living... Yup, living! Everyday we do stuff, we take buses, do the laundry, tidy the house, cook/eat and the list goes on, but instead of seeing these things as tasks how about seeing them as stuff your kids ought to know, see them as life-lessons and channels of higher learning.

When I look around me, do you know what I see? The prefect teaching tools... Vehicles & Transportation (bus rides), Science & Personal Hygiene (laundry), Cleanliness & Responsibility (tidy time), Science & Digestive System (cooking/eating).

There is no reason why kids can't learn from everything once you get on their level and expose them. If you don't know what level they're at then take these two hints from them, "can I help?" and "what's that?"... That's their way of saying, "I'm interested, I want to learn more" ;-)

I'll leave you with this tale, my now 3 year old saw me watching Miss Universe 2014 on my laptop when he was 2 year old and noted the flags, all the letters and different colour gowns so I took the opportunity to teach him country names, reading and reinforce colour identification by asking his opinion of the gowns, repeating the nation names with interesting facts and most importantly by finding a connection between the programme and him. (FYI His name is Israel and we live in Jamaica, connection made lol).  Now fast forward to about 1 week ago when I bought my son a world map, as the store attendant rolled it open he started identifying and calling aloud the names of countries & continents! The lady was amazed commenting how well he knows phonetics and then she asked, "How do you teach him it? By spelling or sound?"... I said, "Both, we watch Miss Universe and when the girls introduce themselves "Miss Angola!" I shout "Angola!" and he shouts "Angola!" and we also see the name of their country on screen LOL"


Learn everyday in every way!

Therese Morris

Passionate Mom | social introvert
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