government of jamaica resourceS
September 10, 2021
Explosive Learning

Just tweaking how you present information makes the learning experience more enjoyable and enriching for everyone involved.

Originally Posted: February 18, 2017

My 3 year old, Israel, is currently in a volcano phase. He wants to know anything and everything about them, at this point he pretty much does. So for his letter writing practices I decided to dot down some volcano related words for him to trace: VOLCANO (duh!), MAGMA, LAVA, TOXIC, GASES, ROCKS, FIRE, HOT, ASHES, SMOKE.

I selected words he already knows the meaning of... and trust me, he's been spouting these words and explaining how eruptions occur to me for weeks now. (FYI He claims I'm his teacher and he's my teacher, I just go along with it).

After tracing his volcanic words he got distracted, started drawing the solar system and pasting each galactic body on the underside of our computer desk... but that story is for another post.

I continued with his letter writing skills the next day by drawing a pictograph using similar volcano related words, allowed him trace them and we both coloured the scene together.

Just tweaking how you present information makes the learning experience more enjoyable and enriching for everyone involved.


Learn everyday in every way!

Therese Morris

Passionate Mom | social introvert
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